Hi! I'm CAitLyN

About Me
My name is Caitlyn Siobhan Howe.
I am a Lady of Passion, a Muse of Meaning, & an Agent of Belief. Some of you may know me by my avatar alias, “The Poet Queen”. I honor Life as ceremony, and magic as reality.
I take evidence of this extra-ordinary magic in our imagination. And in mine, I see my soul’s mission as a sort of cosmic vampire slayer here to shock the walking dead back into wholehearted human beings, resourced in life force from their own beating hearts. Except, there is no violence in my battle. My weapon is the stakes of truth. I trust that truth can revive us.
I am an advocate for audacity in self-expression, and my favorite artistic medium is the voice in all of its forms. I work with the art of words, the power of love, and the life force energy of emotions as a poet, teacher, ecstatic dance facilitator, and creative ritualist.
I believe that our work can (and often must) feel like play.
And in this game of evolution, I am devoted to tracking the symbolic materials of this waking dream in my personal journey and my professional path of service. I follow the soul through these signs of meaning, and it is my greatest joy to help get others on the scent of their own.
I believe that through the courtship of the soul, we fall in love with Life itself. And when we love Life, we value it. Everywhere. When life is truly valued, we won’t take it for granted. We will protect aliveness, celebrating and feeding it in every possible way.

I think of this locus in the digital realm as my humble little virtual temple; a place that I can only hope will evoke a sense of my soul’s essence and offer little pearls of her gifts to those who visit.
For those of you who have wandered all the way to this page, thank you for taking the time to learn more about who I am. I hope my story will be one of the hidden treasures you find here. I believe our stories are medicine for the soul.
The “Link in Bio” culture of modern digital engagement so often forces us to edit the rich textures of our souls into a brief list of professional qualifiers. For people like me, who sometimes sell a service through our work, those sorts of achievements are important to share, because they help establish trust. So I do want to share my experience as a teacher, guide, and coach. But what’s more important to me here is to contribute to a culture of true connection.
And nothing does that better than sharing our stories. Our stories reveal the human being behind the work, and our humanness is where we can always find the common threads that weave us into relationship.
My love for our shared humanity is nestled deeply in the heart of everything I do; it is the very fire that fuels me. And I hope that my story, shared through my work, will stoke that fire within you.
MY Passion
As a newly published author of my first poetry collection, Ridiculous Masterpiece, and the founding headmistress of the new online creative expression community, The Playhouse, my life circulates around service, creativity, and community
I have spent the past 6 years as a founding coach in the Fit For Service program, which I have been blessed to facilitate with my best friends: Aubrey Marcus and his wife Vylana, Kyle Kingsbury, and my now-fiance, Erick Godsey.
Since 2019, I have helped develop the program while guiding transformative workshops, embodiment practices, healing ritual experiences, and online classes for the (now) thousands of members who have joined along the way. My specialty in FFS is resident ecstatic dance facilitator and primary teacher of the “Emotionally Fit” program.
A few years ago, I founded The League of Queens, a community built to support women in awakening the Queen within through celebratory sisterhood and archetypal integration.
As you might guess from my moniker “The Poet Queen”, the queen archetype is significant to my path. I learned through personal experience how it lives in each of us, as a pinnacle maturation point of self-realization, calling us forward through the darkness of self-doubt and the poisonous programming of comparison culture to rediscover the dignity, worth and abundance that is our birthright (and true nature).
Striving to understand and embody my own potential as the queen of my life saved me from losing my true self in a false identity and nearly sabotaging my destiny. It is now part of my life’s mission to empower other women to save themselves through the remembrance of their own royal nature.
But I am not only here for queen sh*t! I am here for ALL of the feelings.
My dharma encompasses ritual reverence of the dancing body, reclamation of the full spectrum of our emotional energy, and the liberating power of the voice.
I was not always on this path of service and confidence. My life’s journey has taken me deep into the underworld of shadow work through addiction, loss, heartbreak, and many misadventures on the long and winding path of trying to reconnect the lost truth of my soul.
In moments of desperation in my late twenties, I finally felt the thirst for true spiritual salvation and began to explore plant medicine, yoga, and creative writing as a path to healing. I devoted myself as a student of life and began to study with numerous different lineage teachers, cultural traditions and plant allies in the years that followed.
Since then, I have received certification in kundalini yoga, somatic breath ceremony, and shamanic altar work alongside dozens of initiatory medicine ceremonies. This path of devotion helped me traverse and heal the shadow wounds of my own heart caves, and gather many tools to carry forward and share with anyone I can help.
For the past 6 years, I have dedicated my life to service, committed to help others who, like me, wish to reclaim their lives from shame and self-doubt through poetry, ritual, and creative self-expression.
I have come to recognize that the essence of all my various paths of study has been the same: I am in a lifelong apprenticeship with the art of feeling. This is my greatest passion: to live by, and to awaken in others.
Whether that is dancing like nobody's watching and the world depends on it, or being brave and spitting a fiery spoken word poem as my fingers shake around the microphone, finger painting like a child, or constructing a costume to express an aspect of my emotional world, I live like a wild poet to experience the gifts of sensation and the wisdom that is gleaned from them. And I share what I practice as a permission slip for others to receive the same.
If you want to read some of my work, learn more about the poet’s perspective, or receive occasional magic wand waves of inspiration, check out the ‘My Writing’ page to follow along.
You can also find me hosting poetry workshops and live ecstatic dance experiences, orchestrating festival vibes wherever possible, and sharing my stories through podcasts and social media. Find me on Instagram as @thepoetqueen.

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