Writer • GuideRitual Artist

Every time the muse visits, it’s a special occasion. Why not welcome her in to disrupt the daily grind? Red Letter deliveries tend to blend diary entry and party invitation into one sweet love letter (always with a healthy dose of inspiration!). Join the Poet Queen community mailing list to get the goodies and stay connected.

 An Invitation to


Whether through poetry, a costumed dance experience, or ceremonial ritual, Poet Queen classes, content, and community events are designed with intention and imagination to conquer the deadness of the mundane and feed the fire of aliveness in your heart. Follow the thread of curiosity to find a spark for your soul.

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Hi, I’m Caitlyn Howe...

Lady of Passion, Muse of Meaning, & Agent of Belief. Some of you may know me as my avatar alias in the social media sphere: “The Poet Queen”.

I am an advocate for audacity in self-expression, and my favorite artistic medium is the voice in all of its forms. I work with the art of words, the power of love, and the life force energy of emotions as a poet, teacher, ecstatic dance guide, and creative ritualist. I honor Life as ceremony, and Magic as reality

Welcome to my virtual temple space. I hope you will enjoy yourself as you explore, and that you will find some inspiration here. If you’d like to get to know me better, click the button below.

Tell me More

My PAssioN

Passion, for me, is to love what you feel. And there is no feeling I enjoy more than the flow of creativity coursing through the ink of a pen when I bleed my truth into a poem. My greatest passion is writing, and I honor poetry as a way of life. Every piece I craft attempts to offer a little window from my heart for the reader to explore through. Poetry creates intimacy between our souls in this way. 


I believe we all have a poet inside of us, whatever its shape it may take, or methods of expression it prefers. To embody the inner poet is to be devoted to recognizing and describing the value of existence, and transforming the pain and suffering of it all into art with which we feed the spirit of the world.


Whenever I am brave enough to share my words, it is an active prayer of hope that my experiences and perspective might touch someone who, like me, yearns to feed the poet within, so that we may be sustained by soul force. So that together, we have the power to continue speaking bravely - and loving madly- from this place in our hearts.

Read My Writing

The Highlight Reel ↡

Life Isn't Letting Up..

May 10, 2024

The Gift of Darkness

May 10, 2024

Courting the Muse of Inspiration

May 10, 2024

A place to remember your royal nature through celebration and sisterhood.

The community and curriculum you’ve always wanted, from coaches who care. 

Dance yourself free and come fully alive through full-spectrum expression.

Explore My Work
Who is the Poet Queen?

The Poet Queen is All of Us.

She is an archetype that exists in the psyche of every human being: a union and allegiance between the two powerful energies of the Poet and the Queen.

The Poet is the creative aspect of the Lover archetype; passionate about articulating the beauty & meaning that can be found in any part of life, through outrageous love.

The Queen is the divine mother archetype who stands in her royalty. She knows her worth and power, and moves confidently in her instincts and desires, naturally leading and empowering those around her with compassion, bravery, & truth.

Together, they become one force of inspiration, in service of the greater good through embodied expression as an invitation into a deeper, more vivid experience of life itself.

About Caitlyn

Current Mood 


insightful Reflections, thought-provoking insights, and expressive poetry

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